Task one  What has been included? The use of description has been included using descriptive words like shires, pallor, demented, mockeries etc. to describe the scene he’s trying to show us through his writing showing us the brutality of war. A meaning has been used to the poem in the first paragraph of the poem […]

The character Rudy Steiner is a friendly young boy who clearly admires Liesel as soon as he sees her i can tell by his actions he is a confident boy who cares for her and would do almost anything due to his admiration towards her he protects her in any what that he knows how. […]

Speak – By Laurie Halse Anderson Speak is a young adults novel about a freshman called Melinda Sordino who once had friends but that changed after she was invited to a party with all her friends and was raped and after that she called the police frozen for words she didn’t speak but the police […]

Characterisation in the Book Thief Hans- The character Hans Hubermann is a gentle big hearted man Hans and his wife Rosa don’t particularly get along Rosa is mean to him but apart from that there relationship is definitely not a happy marriage but deep down Hans loves Rosa and cares for her a lot more […]

Analyse how the experiences of one or more characters were used for a particular purpose “A beautiful, tear-stomping girl, shaking the dead” (Gothic type fiction– Gothic fiction, which is largely known by the subgenre of Gothic horror, is a genre or mode of literature and film that combines fiction and horror, death, and at times […]

Second Book Response The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky The perks of being a wallflower is a story about an adolescent chronically timid young man named Charlie and his journey through the days of a young adultery. Through love, relationships, sex, drugs, loss and all the things in between, This book to […]

Personal response– The Fault in our stars by John Green Brief outline-The fault in our stars by John Green is a book and a film based on 2 main characters Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters who both have cancer Hazel has stage 4 lung cancer and Gus lost part of his leg with cancer, the […]

Hello and welcome to your personal online journal. This platform has been created to enhance and enrich your learning at Mount Aspiring College. Its purpose is to provide you with an audience for your work (or work-in-progress) and you have the choice (by altering the ‘visibility’ of your posts) of whether your work on here […]